It's been an exciting (and tiring, and a little stressful) week!
A week ago today (Monday) Belle started off the kidding season with a single doeling. Meet Lavender!

She's doing well, growing like a weed. Milking season has also begun as Daisy has way too much milk for one kid to consume.

Daisy followed up on Saturday with a triple play. First an adorable little doeling we are calling Aster, then a much bigger kid - a buckling, then another little doeling who is named Lilac. Fortunately there were no entanglements and all three kids were delivered with minimal fuss.

I worried about them all getting their colostrum in and spent quite a bit of time in the barn that day. They have all mastered their nursing skills now and are bouncing around the barn between naps.

We could see right away this morning that today was going to be Poppy's day but it took her a while to get going. When the pushing started, it was tough going as the single buckling she had is pretty big. Fortunately he was in the correct birthing position and I assisted a little with some gentle pulling.

He's a bright lad and was up and nursing very quickly with absolutely no guidance from me.
The picture quality is never great when taking photos in the barn. Hopefully we will have some better ones to show you next time. Until our next post - be well friends!