In the two weeks since the last post here, we have had some rain, thank goodness, and a cool-down. It was 42 degrees when I got up this morning - it really felt like fall although the temperatures did climb to 80 degrees later on.
An important part of autumn work here is getting the winter wheat and rye planted. The fields were plowed, disced, dragged and planted by Kevin and Rollie with help from Ardis shuttling farmers and bringing water and snacks.

Here is Kevin and Big White discing. Of course Saturday started out with a flat tire on Massey and Big White just not running very well but by mid-afternoon those issues were resolved, thanks in part to a parts run by Kori.

Now that the deer flies are gone and mosquitos negligible, Hoover and I have taken to the woods for our Sunday morning walks. He is of course beyond excited by this and I enjoy it so much more that walking along the road. There is so much to look at out there!

We even found some beautiful chicken-of-the-woods mushrooms on this big Red Oak. We went back this morning and measured it's girth - 90.5 inches. I checked several age calculators and the sources vary greatly for the age of this tree but average out to about 140 years. It was a relatively young tree back in the teens and 1920's when brothers Pete and Ole Widell homesteaded this property.

I enjoying looking at the various mushrooms of the woods, edible or not they fascinate me.

The farmer's market continues and has been busy. That is our booth on the left.

The view from the milking stand is pretty green. Most days there are wild turkeys out there in the morning and sandhill cranes in the afternoon. Some geese stopped by too which is pretty unusual for here.

The does are enjoying the cooler weather and are outside more. Here Poppy, Daisy and Belle enjoy some delicious corn husks I brought out. Vinca just gave them an eyeroll.

Thank you for stopping by and reading this blog. The next post will probably in in two weeks. Until then, be well friends.