Last week's post was titled Stormy Weather. This one is More Stormy Weather - hopefully the next one won't be Even More Stormy Weather but they do have storms predicted for tonight and tomorrow.
Thursday late afternoon we had a storm at chore-time that included a lot of rain and hail. I took a picture of the rainbow - it wasn't that spectacular but was kind of different as it was so low and wide.

We had another storm on Friday night with high winds and buckets of rain - almost 4 inches!
Egg production from the hens has been very low. I suspected they were hiding eggs and looked everywhere but only found one nest in the hayshed. That nest was yielding just 1 or 2 eggs per day to add to few from the coop nests. To find out if I was right, I penned up the flock with temporary fence. They were not happy!

The youngsters just pushed right on through anyway!

The egg count did not improve - they just aren't laying well. Maybe it's the heat we have had recently, I don't know. I have heard from other chicken keepers that their egg count is low too. Anyway, I have taken down the fence again and the hens are happy to get back to lounging around in the pole barn during the heat of the day.

One afternoon this week while I was milking Vinca, a pig trotted by...

Kevin was not home but would be shortly. I finished up with Vinca and shored up the pig panels where they had come apart so no other piggies could make a break for it. Then I just followed the porcine miscreant around. She happily rooted around at the weedy end of the woodshed...

enjoyed some of the turkeys' supper...

and visited (taunted?) her siblings through the fence.

Her freedom didn't last too long - Kevin was soon home and she happily followed him back into the pen with her supper.
It's very nearly harvest time for the grain - when the rain stops! Out by the road the sunflowers are just starting to bloom. This is just the beginning for them and by the weekend I should be able to cut them for the farmer's market.

Thank you for stopping by the blog, I will be back with new post next week. Until then, be well friends.