Things are greening up here at Ole Lake Farm. The view from the milking stand gives a progress report on the wheat.

And the rye in the little field looks pretty good.

We had some snow last week, about two inches. I have peas planted but they are not up yet - no harm done. Seems like I remember an old saying that it's good to have your peas get snowed on. The garlic is looking good and was unaffected by the snow.

In the greenhouse, tomatoes and peppers are growing and I got these lettuces transplanted into the bed today.

Poppy's kids have names now. The little doeling is Primrose (she's the one with more black) and the lad is Spruce.

Spruce has an adventurous nature - today he wiggled under the wall from the goat pasture into the hayshed - then couldn't figure out how to get back. The goat population was in an uproar until I carried him back to the does!

Daisy and Belle have settled in although Belle is still a little nervous about coming out to the milking stand. They both have large udders with much thicker teats that I have been accustomed to milking. It's been an adjustment for me too but gradually my hands are getting used to the exercise.

Five weeks after fusion surgery, Kevin's ankle is doing well. The original cast is off and he has to wear a boot all of the time, even to bed.

The boot is a great piece of equipment but isn't designed with farm chores in mind. Now that he is allowed to walk on it he covers it with a bag when he goes outside.

I will close with a picture of Rusty napping on the bed this afternoon - wish I could have joined him! We should be back next week with another post, hopefully with more pictures of the goat kids. Until next time, be well friends!
