Swans flying over the wheat field - spring is coming!

It's been so long since my last post, I had to review the photos on my phone to remember what has happened since then!
We had a nasty cold spell in February - it seemed to go on and on with temps well below zero day after day.

One frigid day we took a little road trip and met the next member of the Ole Lake Farm goat herd. Her name is Daisy - she should fit right in with Vinca and Poppy! She's a real sweety and I can't wait to bring her home in April. If you click on the photo to make it bigger (hoping that works!), you can see that she had a bulging abdomen and about 3 weeks ago gave birth to triplets.

Speaking of bulging abdomens... well, Poppy's is not so big. This is her first pregnancy and I do not have a firm due date - possibly around April 10.

Following the miserable cold of early February, we had some much warmer temps and some beautiful sunrises. This was at the end of the driveway, heading off to work on February 26.

Once again the snow slid off the roof of the barn and blocked the does in. It's a bit of a chore to dig them out again as there is no room there to get equipment in. I now have a reminder on the calendar for June - "build a roof over the goat door!"

Not as exciting as a new goat of course, but February also brought a new (to us) Bobcat. This one is bigger than Old Bob and has a super handy grapple - the guys are very pleased with how this is working out for handling in the woods.

The big news of March is that after suffering for years with a very painful arthritic ankle, Kevin has had it fused. He cannot walk on that leg for a few weeks but is healing patiently and passing the time catching up on sustainable grain growing videos and webinars.

Thank you for stopping by the blog today! I won't wait so long to post again - until next time, be well friends!