Greetings from the farm! Isn't this cooler weather great!
I am not trying to cover so many topics with this post - just a couple of things. I am thinking it is better to post more frequently about less things than to cram so much into just one post like I did last month. So this post is mostly about kale.
Kale? Yep. I know a lot of people never touch the stuff but I like it and the goats LOVE it! I grow quite a few of these brassicas each year.

I mostly enjoy kale cut into little ribbons and added to my salads. I have read that raw kale is more healthful than cooked and that is how I prefer to eat it anyway.

I am also trying to find ways to incorporate this "superfood" into some cooked dishes - most recently this bean dish - that way I can get the guys to eat some too.

Most of the kale I grow is for the goats. The does are rather picky about their treats - for example Belle and Daisy like apples but Poppy won't touch them - but they all are crazy about kale.

Belle gets her post-milking snack and then it's Poppy's turn..

The new milking room is progressing. It now has walls, a "roof", a window, and two doors. Here Rollie takes a well-deserved break from his labors.

The new room will make milking more comfortable for me and the does - cooler in summer, warmer in winter. Best of all the mosquitoes and flies will (hopefully) be excluded!
What else is going on? Well, I am busy making soap as fast as I can to build inventory for fall and holiday markets. Kevin and Rollie are getting ready for fall grain planting - plowing, disking and cleaning grain. More on fall planting next time. Until then, be well friends!