What a beautiful day! The view from the milking stand this morning shows the lovely green of the young tree leaves across the field.

Much better than last May 9!

And May 9, 2019!

Earlier in the week Kevin finally purchased and brought home a new (to us) manure spreader. It has been a long and frustrating search and he lost no time putting it to work.

The goats were out this morning so I spent a few minutes being their scratching post and trying to get pictures. It's hard to get good photos as they always want to be up close or else they are moving around too much.

This afternoon we got out for our almost annual (but not for a couple of years!) Mother's Day tractor and trailer ride with a picnic. As usual we forgot a some critical items but we didn't let a little thing like forgetting the toasting forks stop us from enjoying marshmallows! Kori likes them burnt!

We did the full tour of the logging roads. Further back in the woods the tamaracks are a beautiful bright green. I love tamaracks in all of their stages.

The violets are out and some of the ferns waking up.

On the way back we stopped by the recently planted oat field. With some teamwork the drag was folded up and readied for transport back to the farmyard.

We hope you all had a nice day no matter what you were doing. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Until next time, be well friends!