My view out the window as I sit down to create this post today is beautiful and sunny but I am not tempted to go out for a woodland walk with Hoover today. It's -5 and that is likely our high for the day. Brrrr
Backtracking to January, one of the most notable things was the mild weather and the beautiful hoarfrost that we had several days. Here is a view from the milking stand on the 9th.

As you can see, Birch is still enjoying the company of Maggie and Elsie, but they will be going home soon.

I took so many pictures of the frost that is was hard to pick out just a couple to add here, but these are two of my favorites.

Winter months are all about wood work around here. Kevin's brother Kent came from Wyoming to stay for a week and help out. Kevin and Kurt took some time off work and the crew of four (Rollie, sons Kevin and Kent, and grandson Kurt) got a LOT done!

Now for a couple of random things - First a picture of Rollie's new wool bibbers - kind of Christmasy - I love them!

It is not uncommon for birds to make their way into the coop and then not be able to find their way out again. Usually it's just a sparrow or chickadee but this was something else. It's a Shrike - not sure if Loggerhead or Northern. I suspect it had followed some sparrows in (they have been raiding the chicken feed) with intent to catch one. From what I have read they are relentless predators.

I have saved our sad news for last. We have lost our Echo.
This picture is from the day I met her as a yearling. My friend and I were over to Moose Lake for a 5K at the beginning of May 2015 and stopped by the farm where she was born.

This is from when we brought her home a couple of weeks later. We weren't the ones to name her Echo but it sure seemed fitting!

This is a picture of her with Tulip and Daffodil, her 2019 kids.

I will always think of her with a tear and a smile, she was a sweet goat and I miss her.

Thank you for stopping by the blog. Stay warm and be well friends.