There have been six other days since the last post on this blog but this one is all about Sunday.
The morning began foggy and the sun struggled to break though.

The view from the milking stand reminded me of my all-time favorite Far Side cartoon:

It didn't last long.

Looking out there to the left you can see the last of the sunflowers and in the middle distance is the latest location of the hog hut.
I hadn't been further from away from home than Brainerd in months but a road trip was in order. We drove to Bemidji to meet up with our new buck. Meet Birch!

He has a registered name but we decided to stay with the tree theme for his barn name. He's a shaggy youth with some growing to do but he's not without charm...

Love the hairstyle! Maybe we should have named him something else...

After getting Birch settled in his new paddock with Tamarack, it was pig moving time. These pigs are getting so big they need a new patch of ground twice a week now.

And that was our day. Thank you for stopping by the blog - until next time, be well friends!